Stuart Bull Auctions
10, Fore Street, Chard, Somerset, TA20 1PH
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Stuart Bull Auctions is a small independent sale room specialising in fine art, antiques and high quality collectibles. We welcome anything from single items to whole lifetime collections.
Expert panel
Stuart is supported by a panel of experts always on hand to provide valuation and selling advice, ensuring that both seller and buyers benefit from a realistically priced, honest marketplace. These experts cover all areas of the House’s specialisms.
How to find us
We are located in a prominent position on Fore Street, Chard, Somerset. Fore Street is the main street in Chard and forms part of the A30. We are number 10, beside the Guildhall.
Opening Times: Monday to Friday 9.30am, to 1pm. Later times by appointment
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Магазин Stuart Bull Auctions
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Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 023
Antiques, Jewellery, Royal Memorabilia, Collectibles
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 14
An auction of jewellery, vinyl, royal correspondence, fine art, sporting and pop memorabilia, Rolling Stones autographs, high quality collectibles, watches, coins and stamps
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 013
Auction of collectibles, mid century furniture, jewellery, militaria, model cars and trains
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 012
Timed General sale of furniture, household and other items
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 009
A collection of rare Pokemon cards, antiques, collectibles, fishing reels, antique garden furniture, toys, model trains, jewellery, silver ware, coins and stamps.
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 008
Chinese porcelain, jewellery, fine art, mid century furniture, model trains, collectibles and more .
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 007
Timed Auction of Unsold Lots from the Model Train Collection ending 23/12/22
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 006
Часть 2
An Auction of Model Trains, lots added daily
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 006
Часть 1
An Auction of Model Trains, lots added daily
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион Auction 5
Fine art, jewellery and collectibles plus a rare collection: 45 years of Ham Radio
Stuart Bull Auctions - Аукцион 003
An important work by Albert Huie the father of Jamaican art, fine art, antiques, jewellery, militaria, 1960's comics, coins, vinyl, silverware, garden furniture, antique cameras,

(972) 73-3744453
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