CTM Art Gallery
Mordechay st. Ramat-Gan, Phone number: 0545500666
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"CTM Art Gallery " is a gallery dealing with trade and auction of Antique handicrafts such as handmade oriental rugs, furniture, clocks, sculptures, pictures and more.
After years of love, dealing and collecting, we decided to give everyone a chance to join this fascinating world.
In the gallery you will find items from a variety of types and styles, which will fill the space of your home with extraordinary art.
Come and enjoy unique items at the best price.
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Контакты аукционного дома
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Закончившиеся аукционы
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 16
Auction of a collection of antiques, furniture, bronze sculptures, porcelain, watches, rugs and more.
Каталог в Pdf
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 15
Auction of a collection of antiques, furniture, bronze sculptures, porcelain, watches, rugs and more.
Каталог в Pdf
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 14
Auction of a collection of antiques, furniture, bronze sculptures, porcelain, watches, rugs and more.
Каталог в Pdf
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 13
Auction of a collection of antiques, furniture, bronze sculptures, porcelain, watches, rugs and more.
Каталог в Pdf
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 12
Auction of a collection of antiques, furniture, bronze sculptures, porcelain, watches, rugs and more.
Каталог в Pdf
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 11
Auction of a collection of antiques, furniture, bronze sculptures, porcelain, watches, rugs and more.
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 9
Auction of a collection of antiques, furniture, bronze sculptures, porcelain, watches, rugs and more.
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 2
Inventory elimination - Handmade oriental rugs from $ 40 sales
CTM Art Gallery - Аукцион 1
Handmade oriental rugs from $ 50 sales commission 0% and VAT included

(972) 73-3744453
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