Jerusalem Numismatics

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We are proud to announce the founding of a new platform for trading in ancient coins, antiquities, amulets, and pilgrim souvenirs, the Jerusalem Numismatics Auction House, which will focus on the above areas relating to the Land of Israel and its neighboring cultures.

The auction house operates from the center of Jerusalem drawing inspiration from the rich history and kaleidoscopic cultures of the Holy City. All items in the catalog have been carefully chosen as to their authenticity, state of preservation, and cultural and historical interest.

The auction house was founded by one of Jerusalem’s veteran antiquities’ dealers L. Alexander Wolfe, the government authorized since 1981.

Our professional expertise with its striving for truth is at your service.

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Закончившиеся аукционы

Jerusalem Numismatics - Аукцион 2

Auction No. 2

Jerusalem Numismatics - Аукцион 1

Auction No. 1