Rarity Auction House

17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977

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Ended auctions

Rarity Auction House - Auction 45

Sep 3, 2024
Expensive rare Seforim from a private collection. Everything starts at $100

Rarity Auction House - Auction 44

Aug 20, 2024
Rarity Clearance Auction #4 - Everything for $25

Rarity Auction House - Auction 43

Jul 31, 2024
Special and historic sale! Valuable rare Seforim from a private collection

Rarity Auction House - Auction 42

Jul 8, 2024
Rarity Clearance Auction #3 - Everything for $25

Rarity Auction House - Auction 41

Jun 17, 2024
Holy Seforim - Rare and Special

Rarity Auction House - Auction 40

May 7, 2024
Auction "Rarity for Everyone" - Everything for $25 PART 2

Rarity Auction House - Auction 39

May 6, 2024
Auction "Rarity for Everyone" - Everything for $25

Rarity Auction House - Auction 38

May 2, 2024
the "Sanz" Sale - The Holy "Divray Chaim" and his Family

Rarity Auction House - Auction 37

Mar 27, 2024
Historic sale! Sacred Books and Valuable Manuscripts

Rarity Auction House - Auction 36

Feb 28, 2024
Auction "All kinds of books" - Everything Starting $50

Rarity Auction House - Auction 35

Jan 29, 2024
Special Auction! Rare books with the signature of the greats of the generations

Rarity Auction House - Auction 34

Dec 27, 2023
Special sale. Valuable items - Holy Books and Letters from the greatest of generations

Rarity Auction House - Auction 33

Nov 27, 2023
Chanukah Gifts! Rabbinical Letters - Everything Starting $60

Rarity Auction House - Auction 32

Nov 7, 2023
The Winter Sale! Rare Seforim and Manuscripts

Rarity Auction House - Auction 31

Oct 11, 2023
Diverse Sale! From a Private Collection - Low prices.

Rarity Auction House - Auction 30

Sep 4, 2023
Antique Auction! Rare and Unique Items

Rarity Auction House - Auction 29

Aug 2, 2023
Collectors Sale! Slavita and Zhitomir printings

Rarity Auction House - Auction 28

Jul 17, 2023
First time in History! The Chatam Sofer Auction

Rarity Auction House - Auction 27

Jun 28, 2023
Historic sale! Valuable Books and Manuscripts

Rarity Auction House - Auction 26

May 22, 2023
The sale "Adirei HaTorah" - letters from the Torah Leaders - on the occasion of Shavuot

Rarity Auction House - Auction 25

May 3, 2023
Part 2: Rabbis of Poland - Rabbis of Hungary

Rarity Auction House - Auction 24

May 1, 2023
The 'RESERVE' sale! Rare and special items!

Rarity Auction House - Auction 23

Mar 20, 2023
Important Books from a Private Collection

Rarity Auction House - Auction 22

Feb 27, 2023
Special sale! Letters and Manuscripts from the greatest of our generations!

Rarity Auction House - Auction 21

Jan 30, 2023
Unique sale! Ramchal Collection - books of stories of Chassidus in Yiddish

Rarity Auction House - Auction 20

Jan 10, 2023
Auction 20. A Collection of Manuscripts from the Greatest of our Generations

Rarity Auction House - Auction 19

Dec 28, 2022
Special Auction. Seforim and Judaica - All for $100

Rarity Auction House - Auction 18

Nov 14, 2022
Special Items! Rare Treasures

Rarity Auction House - Auction 17

Aug 24, 2022
Rare and Special Items

Rarity Auction House - Auction 16

Jul 5, 2022
CLEARANCE SALE! Everything Starting $40

Rarity Auction House - Auction 15

Jun 13, 2022
Rare Historic Items

Rarity Auction House - Auction 14

Apr 6, 2022
Passover sale! Dozens of rare Haggadot, and valuable Items

Rarity Auction House - Auction 13

Feb 23, 2022
Auction "Marbin B'simcha" - Treasures From the Greatest of Generations!

Rarity Auction House - Auction 12

Jan 3, 2022
Winter Sale! Rare and Special sacred items - A large collection of antique Silver

Rarity Auction House - Auction 10

Nov 25, 2021

Rarity Auction House - Auction 11

Nov 1, 2021
Historic Sale! Rare Sefurim and Unique Rabinical Letters

Rarity Auction House - Auction 9

Aug 16, 2021
The Elul Auction - Historical items for the High Holidays

Rarity Auction House - Auction 8

Jun 23, 2021
Rare Historical Items

Rarity Auction House - Auction 7

May 4, 2021
Hungarian Books, First Prints, Everything Starting $50

Rarity Auction House - Auction 6

Mar 10, 2021
Passover Auction! Special Collection

Rarity Auction House - Auction 5

Feb 16, 2021
Historic Sale! Special Gifts for Purim!

Rarity Auction House - Auction 4

Jan 6, 2021
Special items starting as low as $25

Rarity Auction House - Auction 3

Dec 22, 2020

Rarity Auction House - Auction 2

Aug 31, 2020
Rare and special items for the High Holidays

Rarity Auction House - Auction 1

Jul 6, 2020
Rare and Unique items from the Greatest Generations