Leilão 039 Live Fortnightly Auction of Antiques, Silver, Collectables, Jewellery, Paintings, Furniture, Stamps, Coins, Records and More. Starting Bids of £10.
Por A & C Auctions of Pendle
G5 Holker Mill, off Burnley Road, Colne, Lancs, BB8 8EG
Live Fortnightly Auction of Antiques, Silver, Collectables, Jewellery, Paintings, Furniture, Stamps, Coins, Records and More. Starting Bids of £10.
O leilão terminou

LOTE 19:

Two early 20th.C. Silver photoframes (2)

Vendido por: £28
Preço inicial:
£ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 20% Sobre a comissão apenas
Utilizadores de países estrangeiros podem estar isentos de pagamento de impostos, de acordo com as respectivas leis de imposto

Two early 20th.C. Silver photoframes (2)