Auction 16 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
By Kedem
Jul 13, 2011
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 418:

Single Volume of All Mishnayot - Copy Owned by the Gerer Admor Author of the"Lev Simcha"

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Sold for: $700
Start price:
$ 250
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Jul 13, 2011 at Kedem

Single Volume of All Mishnayot - Copy Owned by the Gerer Admor Author of the"Lev Simcha"
The Shisha Sidrei Mishna in one volume, Horev publications (Berlin-Germany), [c.1920's].
Ink-stamps with the address of the Admor before the Holocaust"Simcha Bunim Alter, Warsaw, Sosnowa 8" appear on the binding leaves and his hand signature in English letters"B. Alter, Sosonowa N.8".
The holy Gaon Rabbi Simcha Bunim Alter (1888-1992), son of the"Divrei Emet" of Gur, moved to Warsaw after his wedding, invested himself in Torah while wisely hiding his righteous ways, outstanding Torah genius who had extensive knowledge of the Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi. When his father passed away in 1948, some of the Hasidim wanted to crown him as their next Admor, but he fled the country so his younger brother, author of the"Beit Israel" could receive that honor. He became Admor of the Gerer Hasidim in 1977 and his 15 years of leadership marked a turning point for the Gerer Hasidut through the establishment of many Yeshivot and Hasidic districts. Set numerous regulations for the reinforcement of Torah learning and Tzniut. His only son is the current Gerer Admor Shlita.
1188 pp. (Missing title page and other leaves). 16 cm. Thin paper, fair condition, long tears affecting some of the leaves, light stains and wear signs of frequent use. Original worn spineless binding.

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