Leilão 7 When Adar enters, he married with joy
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השכל 15/1 תל אביב יפו, Israel
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LOTE 230:

deep trouble 170 political cartoons Wolf

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$ 40
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$80 - $120
Comissão da leiloeira: 18%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
20.3.19 em maskit gallery
identificações: Livros, Livretos

deep trouble 170 political cartoons Wolf
Year of Publication: 1972
My name is Yaakov Farkash and my name is Ze'ev - this is how the person responsible for the cartoons in this book presents himself.
Jacob Farkash ( January 31, 1923 - October 15, 2002 ), known for his artistic name Ze'ev , was an Israeli cartoonist and illustrator . Recipient of the Sokolov Prize for Journalism ( 1981 ) and the Israel Prize for Media and Journalism ( 1993 ).