Leilão 1 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika objects and more
Por Mishmert Auctions
3 Yalom St. (Ar Samuel) Givat Ze'ev, Israel

Auction # 1 will be held on Monday, • 03.08.2020 • At 19:00 in our new office 3 Yalom St. (Ar Samuel) Givat Ze'ev.

TL: 97225820424 - 972528861994

O leilão terminou

LOTE 198:

Collection of 50 receipts from the gamach Sha’arei Chesed, signed by rabbis of Jerusalem.

Preço inicial:
$ 120
Comissão da leiloeira: 23% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
3.8.20 em Mishmert Auctions

Collection of 50 receipts from the gamach Sha’arei Chesed, signed by rabbis of Jerusalem.
Between 1911-1916, on official letterhead of the Sha’arei Chesed neighborhood. Each signed by between 3-5 rabbis of the community, including Rav Eliyahu Ram, Ra’avad of a beit din in Jerusalem; Rav Zerach Ephraim Epstein, head of the Torat Haim yeshiva where many gedolim studies; Rav Avraham Aharon Prague, author of the series Nerot Aharon; Rav Yehiel Michael Tukachinsky, head of the Etz Hayyim yeshiva. And more. | Collection of 50 numbered and dated items, with payment amount, receiver, reason, and signature. | 15x11cm. Generally very good condition.