Leilão 11 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, Judaica - Books, Rabbinical Letters, Objects
Abraham Ferrera 1 , Jerusalem, Israel
The auction will take place on Monday, May 24, 2021 at 19:00 (Israel time).
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LOTE 14:

OST UND WEST - A rare memorial sheet dedicated to Theodor Herzl - a month after his death

Preço inicial:
$ 150
Comissão da leiloeira: 22%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
24.5.21 em DYNASTY
identificações: Herzl, JNF, Sionismo

OST UND WEST - A rare memorial sheet dedicated to Theodor Herzl - a month after his death

OST UND WEST - Illustrierte Monatsschrift fur Modernes Judentum - 'East and West' - a monthly illustrated magazine for modern Judaism, published in Berlin - a special memoir in the memory Theodor Herzl - August September 1904 - about a month after his death. The special issue deals entirely with the figure of Herzl, including rare photographs of Herzl from the early years of his life to the height of his fame in the Jewish world as a leader of the Zionist revolution. Extensive articles about him from various authors (among them: Prof. H. Vambery, William Gulbaum, and, Dr. Gestner (London), Israel Zangwille (London), Benjamin Jeff, Isidore Eliasoff, and others). Photographs of letters he wrote, as well as early articles written by Herzl himself dealing with the Jewish question, etc. Very rare (on the last page of the issue is a photograph of Herzl's tomb in Vienna - one of the first ever published in a journal).

Ost und West ("East and West") was a Zionist journal of Jewish culture and the wisdom of Israel. The magazine was published in Berlin between 1901 and 1923. The spirit of the journal was formulated by Martin Buber who advocated presenting Judaism as a culture and not just a religion and his conception of the Land of Israel was in a romantic spirit. Its founder and editor was Davis Trich and his deputy was Arthur Zilberglite. "East and West" tried to bridge between modern, Western Judaism and traditional, Eastern European Judaism.

The magazine combined works of art, mainly Art Nouveau engravings (mainly by Ephraim Moshe Lilien) with artistic and critical writing. The authors of the journal include Buber, Ludwig Geiger, Customs Nordau, Alfred Nussig, Yosef Halevi, Israel Levy, David Zvi Miller, Fabius Shach, Avraham Epstein, Adolf Rosenzweig, Arno Nadel (editor of the music supplement) and Theodor Zelocisti. The language of the journal was German and Yiddish translations were first brought in this language.The magazine appeared until August 1914 as a monthly magazine. In 1923, with the collapse of the Weimar Republic's economy, the magazine closed.

Complete sheet. Detached pages. good - moderate condition.