Leilão 1 Books and Judaica
 HaYam Road 3, Havatselet HaSharon

Sell of books, lone leaves, manuscripts. Discounted opening prices.

O leilão terminou


יוחנן סימון, יוסף זריצקי, ראובן רובין, משה קסטל, מרסל ינקו
Painting in the Land of Israel

Preço inicial:
$ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 0%
IVA: 17% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro

Painting in the Land of Israel
18 reproductions in colors. Tel-Aviv: Mikra Studio publication, 1948. 18 PP. Glued colorful paintings. Soft cover, Back cover is affixed.Yellowed papers, There are stains on some of the pages. Good Condition.