Leilão 17
Por Safra and Saifa
52 Hertzel st. Kfar - Saba , Israel

Israel, Settlement, Antisemitism, She'erit HaPleita -

Photographs, Letters, Documents and Newspapers from the Israeli Wars and the Establishment of the State, Research Books - Palestine, Ancient maps,

Art Books , Catalogs

O leilão terminou

LOTE 44:

The Protocol of the First Zionist Congress, 1897 , Bazel

Vendido por: $120
Preço inicial:
$ 40
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
28.4.21 em Safra and Saifa

The Protocol of the First Zionist Congress, 1897 , Bazel

Photographs and documents, and a large (folded) photograph of the participants in the First Zionist Congress in Basel.

Jerusalem 1947


Overall good condition.