Tiferet 29 - Rare and Special Items
A special auction of rare items:
First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.
LOT 38:
Tehila LeDavid, on Emunos and Ikarei HaTorah and its Drushim, by Rabbi David Messer Leon. Kushta, [1577]. ...
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Sold for: $180 (₪594)
Start price:
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 18%
On commission only
Tehila LeDavid, on Emunos and Ikarei HaTorah and its Drushim, by Rabbi David Messer Leon. Kushta, [1577]. First edition. Extremely rare!
A most pedigreed copy, with the signatures of the glorified Pijoto family.
The copy had belonged to the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Hillel Pijoto the son-in-law of the Mahram Ben Chaviv. It is signed by him too.
Sefer Tehila LeDavid, Igeres Yessodei HaTzaddikim, by Rabbi David Messer Leon. Yosef ben Yitzchak Yavetz Press, Kushta, [1577]. First edition. With signatures "the young Chaim Hillel Pijoto" and "Raphael Pijoto".
5-98 leaves, 21 cm. Incomplete copy, without leaves 1-4, 99-108, [4].
Rabbi David ben Rabbi Yehuda Messer Leon [1460?-1535?], of Mantova, who was the youngest disciple of Rabbi Moshe (ben Rabbi Shem Tov) Ibn Chaviv (who emigrated to Napoli in 1497 after the deportation of the Jews of Portugal). In ca. 1505 he moved to Turkey. Was a Sage, physician, prolific author, Kabbalist and philosopher. Served as Rav of the Avilona communities, banning the community of Castilians in his city. Authored the "Tehila LeDavid", "Kevod Chachamim" and more.
Chaim Chaim Hillel Pijoto - "החתן מן המנין, גבר שלים, מתהלך בתומו, קובע עיתים לתורה, גמיר וסביר ענותן כהלל, ה"ה הגביר יקר ונעלה, כמה"ר הלל פיג'וטו נר"ו" ("Chazon Ovadya", Drush for Parashas Vayelech, which was said in 1746). The father of "Ish Elokim Kadosh Huh" Rabbi Moshe author of Sefer "Vayechal Moshe" and son-in-law of the Maharam Ben Chaviv, Rabbi Moshe (ben Rabbi Shlomo) Ibn Chaviv the first, the Rishon LeZion, Rosh Yeshiva and Av Beis Din of Jerusalem author of Sefer "Kol Gadol".
Rabbi Raphael Pijoto, dignitary of the Aleppo community. Consul of Austria and Prussia, immigrated to Tiberius, where he founded Talmudei Torah and yeshivas for Talmidei Chachamim. His sons were philanthropist, sages and dignitaries of the Aleppo community.
Renewed, worn binding, incomplete copy, stains, moth damage, fair condition.
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